Yajin (Andy) Zhou

My name is Yajin Zhou. I am a ZJU 100-Young professor (since 2018), with the College of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University. I earned my Ph.D. (2015) in Computer Science from North Carolina State University. I am the co-founder of BlockSec, a startup dedicated to building blockchain security infrastructure.

I have published more than 50 papers, with 8500+ citations (Google Scholar). One of my papers has been selected to the list of normalized Top-100 security papers since 1981. I was recognized as the Most Influential Scholar Award for my contributions to the field of Security and Privacy.

My current research spans traditional ones (software security, operating systems security and hardware-assisted security) and emerging areas (security of smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi) security, and the underground economy.)

I have served on the program committee for multiple prestigious security conferences and as a reviewer for National Research Foundation Singapore and ANR (Agence Nationale de Recherche).


Operation-level Concurrent Transaction Execution for Ethereum
Yajin (Andy) Zhou

Despite the success in various scenarios, blockchain systems, especially EVM-compatible ones that serially execute transactions, still face the significant challenge of limited throughput. Concurrent transaction execution is a promising technique to accelerate transaction processing and increase the overall throughput. Existing concurrency control algorithms, however, fail to obtain enough speedups in real-world blockchains due to the high-contention workloads.

In this talk, I will propose a novel operation-level concurrency control algorithm designed for blockchains.
The core idea behind our algorithm is that only operations depending on conflicts should be executed serially, while all other conflict-free operations can be executed concurrently. Therefore, in contrast to the traditional approaches, which block or abort the entire transaction when encountering conflicts, our algorithm introduces a redo phase to resolve conflicts at the operation level by re-executing conflicting operations only. We also develop a set of data dependency tracking mechanisms to achieve precise identification and speedy re-execution for conflicting operations. We implement a prototype named ParallelEVM based on Go Ethereum and evaluate ParallelEVM using real-world Ethereum blocks. The evaluation results show that ParallelEVM achieves an average speedup of 4.28×. If combined with state prefetching techniques, ParallelEVM can further accelerate the transaction execution by 7.11×.

Atelier - Side Stage