
I am father of twins and a programmer. At the age of 15, I heard that ordinary people can actually program computers, I bought a 1200 page book about C++ and started learning. I sticked with C++ for quite a while, learned Java, went back to C++, learned D, Python, Haskell and eventually Rust. Then I became interested in peer-to-peer systems, experimented with rust-libp2p and found that blockchains could play a major role in mitigating shortcomings of p2p systems. So it happened that I applied at Parity Technologies as a core developer. At Parity Technologies I am driving and implementing major parts of Polkadot's Parachain consensus.


Polkadot Parachain Consensus

Polkadot Parachain Consensus went live in December 2021. What is it? How does it work? How does it compare to scaling solutions on Ethereum? Are parachains a rollup?

Magazin - Main Stage