Evolution of Optimistic Rollup proofs
09-15, 13:00–13:25 (Europe/Berlin), Atelier - Side Stage

L2 Rollups are a core component of the Ethereum scaling strategy, and the security landscape is actively changing. This talk compares the different optimistic rollup proving methods, how EIP-4844 data-availability affects a proof, and how the proof itself can be designed with the latest L2 tech.

This talk is about proving methods, EIP-4844 proof support, and the latest R&D that includes a new bisection-game, pre-image oracle and proof VM (MIPS + experimental RISC-V). All open-source, open specs, and with future-compatibility for a multi-proof security approach: enabling L2 security improvements through the same principles as L1 client-diversity.

Protocol R&D at OP Labs, previously Eth2 researcher at EF. Working on Ethereum scaling, 4844, rollup security and blockchain architecture.